

For all PRPIL applications and enquiries, contact the team at PRPIL@etioglobal.org. To check your eligibility, please visit our Eligibility Page. If you have any questions about eligibility criteria, and how you match these, please email us and an Advisor will be in touch to talk you through your specific circumstances and next steps.


When can I enroll in PRPIL?

Teachers may enroll in PRPIL as early as their third year of teaching in the role of the Preliminary license. However, providing all program requirements are met, the endorsement for the Initial license cannot be submitted to the DESE Office of Educator Licensure until completion of the third year of teaching.

How long does it take to complete PRPIL?

Once accepted, it takes an average of 4-6 months to complete the program requirements (portfolio and classroom observations). Most teachers complete the program within a single school year.

Once your portfolio is submitted to the Etio office for final review, it takes 3-6 weeks for
the portfolio to be reviewed and the  endorsement sent to the DESE Office of  Educator Licensure. If additional evidence is requested this timeline may be extended.

The amount of time needed for the DESE Office of Educator Licensure to process the
endorsement and grant the license varies depending on their volume of work. Etio
recommends planning at least one month for this part of the process.

My Provisional License has or will be expiring. What do I do?

Assuming you are eligible, apply to PRPIL as quickly as possible. Once you have been accepted, inform your school and district of your acceptance. Please contact our office for further information.

Does time spent teaching under an Emergency License count towards the three yearsof teaching?

Yes. We are now able to accept time spent on an emergency license as counting towards your three years. but you must earn your Provisional license to enroll in PRPIL. You cannot advance an Emergency license to an Initial license.

Do you offer college credit?


I have a Provisional License and a Masters Degree, but never did student teaching. Can I still apply?

Yes. PRPIL is an alternative route to Initial licensure for teachers who have not completed a teaching practicum.

How do I advance two licenses at a time?

Teachers can officially advance only one licensed subject area and grade level through PRPIL. The license advanced must be the subject and grade level currently being taught. However, in many cases additional subject areas and/or grade levels can be advanced after completion of PRPIL. Teachers with multiple licenses do not need to complete the PRPIL program more than once. Please contact our office for more  information.

How do I find a mentor?

Applicants are responsible for finding their own mentor. The mentor selected must hold an Initial or Professional license in Massachusetts. In addition, the chosen mentor must be a teacher of high quality standing who has received the support of the applicant's principal.

The mentor must agree to carry out all tasks as summarized in the Mentor Responsibilities. Mentor teachers should be teaching in the same school as the teacher candidate. In special circumstances, and upon written request, PRPIL administrators may approve a mentor being housed in a different school, but in the same district.

The mentor must hold the same/similar license you are intending to pursue. For example, if the license you are pursing is Biology 8-12, the mentor should hold a license in Biology 8-12. However, if such a mentor is not available in your school or district, we would prefer if your mentor teaches a similar subject (such as Chemistry or Physics) rather than a less similar subject such as Visual Art or History.

How many hours (not including observations) does a mentor need to commit to mentoring a teacher in the program?

The relationship between the mentor and the teacher is crucial to the overall professional growth and success of the teacher in the PRPIL program. The mentor is a thought partner and critical feedback peer who will push and support the teacher in their instructional practices. At a minimum, your mentor should expect to provide support through conducting TWO unannounced classroom observations (45 -60m class periods), facilitating TWO post conference 
feedback sessions, documenting observation notes and feedback on designated forms for each observation, attending THREE 3 way meetings with instructional consultants and the teacher.

The role of the mentor is to provide ongoing feedback and support with the teaching practices of the teacher enrolled in the program. The support given by the mentor is based on the needs of the teacher and the area(s) of focus identified from conversations and observations. The mentor also supports the teacher with identifying exemplar pieces of evidence to demonstrate their understanding of DESE standards. The time commitment in this mentoring relationship varies based on connection and mutual respect between the teacher and the mentor.

How do I get an Instructional Consultant?

An Instructional Consultant will be assigned to you by Etio once you have been accepted
into PRPIL.

How do I learn more about compiling my portfolio?

Useful information about compiling your portfolio can be found in the Program Overview
section of the PRPIL web-pages.  Your Instructional Consultant is also an excellent source of information about the portfolio.

How do I know when my Instructional Consultant will conduct the announced classroom observations?

Your Instructional Consultant will work with you to schedule the three announced classroom observations. Your mentor's observations will be unannounced.

How do I apply for an Initial license with the DESE Office of Educator Licensure?

All PRPIL participants must apply for the Initial license. Do not be concerned if you receive a notice that in cannot yet be granted. The Initial license will be granted once your endorsement has been received from Etio and processed by the Office of Educator Licensure. Please apply for the Initial license online using the ELAR system.

How long does it take to receive my Initial license after my endorsement has been received by the DESE Office of Educator Licensure?

This varies depending on the time of year and the number of licenses the Office of Educator Licensure must process. Most licenses are processed within 3-4 weeks. If your Preliminary license is expiring sooner than this, your  principal or superintendent can request an expedited review of your file.

Will my Initial license (obtained via PRPIL) be valid in any other state?

This depends on the state in question. Please contact their Department of Education for
details regarding possible reciprocity. Additional information can also be found here.

There are more teachers in my school interested in the program. Can you arrange meeting with the school to speak with them?

We would be happy to arrange an information session, in-person or virtual, for a group of five or more teachers. Please have your principal contact our office to arrange a mutually convenient time.

How does the new SEI Endorsement requirement impact my eligibility for PRPIL?

The SEI Endorsement requirement that went into effect on July 1, 2014 currently affects core subject matter teachers only. They will need to complete the SEI Endorsement in order to be eligible to enroll in PRPIL. Please call our office for further details.

When applying in the ELAR system for my Initial license, what path do I choose?

Please choose Path 1.

What if I require virtual observations, instead of in-person observations?

Etio is willing to make accommodations on a case-by-case basis, please contact us: neil.tembulkar@etioglobal.org

Does Etio run a CORI check on Instructional Consultants?

No, Etio does not run CORI checks on Instructional Consultants, as our consultants and staff do not have direct or unmonitored contact with children. Massachusetts state regulations can be found HERE.

If you still have a question about the PRPIL program, we're here to help: Contact the PRPIL team

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